never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards     #-}
    3 {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
    4 {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-full-laziness #-}
    6 {-|
    7 Description : Brainfuck Virtual Machine
    8 Copyright   : (c) Sebastian Galkin, 2018
    9 License     : GPL-3
   11 Functions to evaluate a compiled Brainfuck program.
   12 -}
   13 module HBF.Eval
   14   ( MachineType
   15   , eval
   16   , evalWith
   17   , evalWithIO
   18   , evalWithMachine
   19   , emptyMachine
   20   , mkMachine
   21   , VMOptions(..)
   22   , defaultVMOptions
   23   , unsafeParse
   24   , parse
   25   , parsePure
   26   ) where
   28 import           Control.Monad                     (replicateM_, when)
   29 import           Control.Monad.Primitive           (PrimMonad, PrimState)
   30 import           Data.Coerce                       (coerce)
   31 import           Data.Int                          (Int8)
   32 import           Data.Maybe                        (fromMaybe)
   33 import           Data.Monoid                       ((<>))
   34 import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as VStream
   35 import qualified Data.Vector.Generic               as GV
   36 import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable       as MV
   37 import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed
   38 import           Options.Applicative
   39 import           System.Environment                (getArgs)
   41 import           HBF.Types
   43 -- | An alias for a 'Machine' in which memory is an unboxed vector of bytes.
   44 type MachineType = Machine (Data.Vector.Unboxed.Vector Int8)
   46 {-# INLINABLE eval #-}
   47 -- | Evaluate the given program returning the end state of the 'Machine'. The evaluation can
   48 -- happen in any 'PrimMonad' for which we can do I/O. The reason to use 'PrimState' is that
   49 -- we will use mutable vectors for the evaluation.
   50 eval :: (PrimMonad m, MachineIO m) => Program Optimized -> m MachineType
   51 eval = evalWithMachine defaultVMOptions emptyMachine
   53 {-# INLINABLE evalWith #-}
   54 -- | Evaluate the given program returning the end state of the 'Machine'. The evaluation can
   55 -- happen in any 'PrimMonad' for which we can do I/O. The reason to use 'PrimState' is that
   56 -- we will use mutable vectors for the evaluation. 'VMOptions' are used to tune the details
   57 -- of the VM, like available memory, verbosity, etc.
   58 evalWith ::
   59      (PrimMonad m, MachineIO m)
   60   => VMOptions
   61   -> Program Optimized
   62   -> m MachineType
   63 evalWith opts program =
   64   evalWithMachine opts (mkMachine (vmOptsMemoryBytes opts)) program
   66 {-# INLINABLE evalWithIO #-}
   67 -- | Evaluate the given program returning the end state of the 'Machine'. The evaluation
   68 -- happens in IO, so Input/Output is done to the console.
   69 evalWithIO :: VMOptions -> Program Optimized -> IO MachineType
   70 evalWithIO opts program = do
   71   machine <- evalWith opts program
   72   when (vmOptsDumpMemory opts) $ print machine
   73   return machine
   75 {-# SPECIALISE evalWithMachine ::
   76                  VMOptions -> MachineType -> Program Optimized -> IO MachineType #-}
   78 {-# INLINABLE evalWithMachine #-}
   79 -- | Evaluate the given program returning the end state of the 'Machine'. The evaluation can
   80 -- happen in any 'PrimMonad' for which we can do I/O. The reason to use 'PrimState' is that
   81 -- we will use mutable vectors for the evaluation. 'VMOptions' are used to tune the details
   82 -- of the VM, like memory available, verbosity, etc. The evaluation starts with the specified
   83 -- 'MachineType', so the memory and initial pointer can be configured before running.
   84 evalWithMachine ::
   85      forall m. (PrimMonad m, MachineIO m)
   86   => VMOptions
   87   -> MachineType
   88   -> Program Optimized
   89   -> m MachineType
   90 evalWithMachine _ Machine {..} program = do
   91   mem <- GV.thaw memory
   92   finalPointer <- mutableEval (instructions program) mem 0
   93   finalMemory <- GV.unsafeFreeze mem
   94   return Machine {memory = finalMemory, pointer = finalPointer}
   95   -- For some reason making this function a top level binding brings down performance by compiling
   96   -- without native arithmetic. Even if we add SPECIALIZE pragma
   97   -- Maybe this is the reason why we also need -fno-full-laziness
   98   where
   99     mutableEval ::
  100          forall v. (MV.MVector v Int8)
  101       => [Op]
  102       -> v (PrimState m) Int8
  103       -> MemOffset
  104       -> m MemOffset
  105     mutableEval [] _ pos = return pos
  106     mutableEval (op:ops) mem pos =
  107       case op of
  108         Inc n memOffset ->
  109           MV.unsafeModify mem (+ fromIntegral n) (o2i $ pos + memOffset) *>
  110           mutableEval ops mem pos
  111         Move n -> mutableEval ops mem (pos + coerce n)
  112         Out times memOffset -> do
  113           val <- MV.unsafeRead mem (o2i $ pos + memOffset)
  114           replicateM_ times (putByte val)
  115           mutableEval ops mem pos
  116         In times memOffset ->
  117           if times == 0
  118             then mutableEval ops mem pos
  119             else let input :: m (Maybe Int8)
  120                      input =
  121                        foldr (flip (*>)) (return Nothing) $
  122                        replicate times getByte
  123                   in do input >>=
  124                           MV.write mem (o2i $ pos + memOffset) . fromMaybe 0
  125                         mutableEval ops mem pos
  126         Loop l -> do
  127           let go pos' = do
  128                 condition <- MV.unsafeRead mem (o2i pos')
  129                 if condition == 0
  130                   then mutableEval ops mem pos'
  131                   else (do pos'' <- mutableEval l mem pos'
  132                            go pos'')
  133           go pos
  134         Clear offset ->
  135           MV.unsafeWrite mem (o2i $ pos + offset) 0 *> mutableEval ops mem pos
  136         Mul factor from to -> do
  137           x <- MV.unsafeRead mem (o2i $ pos + from)
  138           MV.unsafeModify
  139             mem
  140             (\old -> old + x * factor2i factor)
  141             (o2i $ pos + from + to)
  142           mutableEval ops mem pos
  143         Scan Up offset ->
  144           let start = o2i $ pos + offset
  145               slice :: v (PrimState m) Int8
  146               slice = MV.slice start (MV.length mem - start) mem
  147            in do Just idx <- VStream.findIndex (== 0) (MV.mstream slice) -- todo error handling
  148                  mutableEval ops mem (MemOffset $ start + idx)
  149         Scan Down offset ->
  150           let end = o2i $ pos + offset
  151               slice :: v (PrimState m) Int8
  152               slice = MV.slice 0 (end + 1) mem
  153            in do Just idx <- VStream.findIndex (== 0) (MV.mstreamR slice) -- todo error handling
  154                  mutableEval ops mem (MemOffset $ end - idx)
  156 o2i :: MemOffset -> Int
  157 o2i = coerce
  159 {-# INLINE o2i #-}
  160 factor2i :: MulFactor -> Int8
  161 factor2i = fromIntegral . (coerce :: MulFactor -> Int)
  163 {-# INLINE factor2i #-}
  164 -- | Size of the default VM memory, in bytes.
  165 machineSize :: Word
  166 machineSize = 30000
  168 -- | A VM 'Machine' with the default memory available.
  169 emptyMachine :: MachineType
  170 emptyMachine = mkMachine machineSize
  172 -- | Create a new machine with the given memory
  173 mkMachine :: Word -> MachineType
  174 mkMachine n = Machine {memory = GV.replicate (fromIntegral n) 0, pointer = 0}
  176 -- | Command line arguments for the VM evaluator.
  177 data VMOptions = VMOptions
  178   { vmOptsMemoryBytes :: Word -- ^ Available memory in bytes.
  179   , vmOptsDumpMemory  :: Bool -- ^ Dump the contents of the memory after executing a program
  180   , vmOptsProgramPath :: FilePath -- ^ Path to the compiled program
  181   } deriving (Show)
  183 -- | Default configuration for the VM.
  184 defaultVMOptions :: VMOptions
  185 defaultVMOptions =
  186   VMOptions
  187     { vmOptsMemoryBytes = 30000
  188     , vmOptsDumpMemory = False
  189     , vmOptsProgramPath = ""
  190     }
  192 optionsP :: Parser VMOptions
  193 optionsP =
  194   (\mem dump input ->
  195      VMOptions
  196        { vmOptsMemoryBytes = mem
  197        , vmOptsDumpMemory = dump
  198        , vmOptsProgramPath = input
  199        }) <$>
  200   option
  201     auto
  202     (long "memory" <> short 'm' <> metavar "BYTES" <>
  203      value (vmOptsMemoryBytes defaultVMOptions) <>
  204      help "Size of the memory [in bytes] used to run the program") <*>
  205   switch
  206     (long "dump-memory" <> short 'd' <>
  207      help "Dump the contents of the memory when the program is finished") <*>
  208   argument str (metavar "PROGRAM" <> help "Path to the compiled program")
  210 parserInfo :: ParserInfo VMOptions
  211 parserInfo =
  212   info
  213     (optionsP <**> helper)
  214     (fullDesc <> progDesc "Run the compiled Brainfuck program in PROGRAM file" <>
  215      header "An optimizing Brainfuck compiler and evaluator")
  217 -- | Parse a list of command line arguments
  218 parsePure :: [String] -> ParserResult VMOptions
  219 parsePure = execParserPure defaultPrefs parserInfo
  221 -- | Parse a list of command line arguments printing errors to the stderr
  222 unsafeParse :: [String] -> IO VMOptions
  223 unsafeParse = handleParseResult . parsePure
  225 -- | Parse command line arguments printing errors to the stderr
  226 parse :: IO VMOptions
  227 parse = getArgs >>= unsafeParse