never executed always true always false
    1 {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase      #-}
    2 {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
    4 {-|
    5 Description : Brainfuck compilation to IR
    6 Copyright   : (c) Sebastian Galkin, 2018
    7 License     : GPL-3
    9 In this module we:
   11     - Convert 'Text' into a Brainfuck intermediate representation (IR) consisting of lists of 'Op's.
   12     - Provide optimization rules to speed up IR execution.
   13     - Parse compiler command line options
   14 -}
   15 module HBF.Compiler
   16   ( module HBF.Compiler
   17   -- * Reexport from "BFP.Parser"
   18   , BFP.ParseError
   19   ) where
   21 import           Control.Monad                  (when)
   22 import           Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy
   23 import qualified Data.Binary                    as B
   24 import           Data.ByteString.Lazy           (ByteString)
   25 import           Data.Coerce                    (coerce)
   26 import           Data.Foldable                  (traverse_)
   27 import           Data.Functor.Identity          (Identity)
   28 import           Data.Maybe                     (fromMaybe)
   29 import           Data.Semigroup                 (Semigroup (..), (<>))
   30 import           Data.Text.Lazy                 (Text)
   31 import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO              as TIO
   32 import           Data.Tuple                     (swap)
   33 import           Options.Applicative
   34 import           System.Environment             (getArgs)
   35 import           System.FilePath                ((-<.>))
   36 import qualified Text.Parsec                    as Parsec
   37 import           Text.Parsec.Pos                (initialPos)
   39 import qualified HBF.Parser                     as BFP
   40 import           HBF.Types
   42 -- * Compilation
   43 -- | Encode the compiled file into the given path.
   44 saveCompilerOutput :: Program Optimized -> FilePath -> IO ()
   45 saveCompilerOutput = flip B.encodeFile . instructions
   47 -- | Use the given 'CompilerOptions' to parse, compile and optimize the text representation of a
   48 -- Brainfuck program into the IR. 'cOptsSource' and 'cOptsOut' in the compiler options are ignored.
   49 inMemoryCompile ::
   50      CompilerOptions
   51   -> Text
   52   -> Either BFP.ParseError (Program Optimized, CompilationSummary)
   53 inMemoryCompile opts code =
   54   (\p -> (p, summarizeCompilation p)) . optimize opts <$> BFP.parseProgram code
   56 -- | Compilation summary for the user. It contains overview information and
   57 -- statistics about the compilation result.
   58 newtype CompilationSummary = CompilationSummary
   59   { compNumInstructions :: Int
   60   } deriving (Show)
   62 -- | Summarize a compiled program creating the 'CompilationSummary'
   63 summarizeCompilation :: Program Optimized -> CompilationSummary
   64 summarizeCompilation = CompilationSummary . length . instructions
   66 -- | Use 'CompilerOptions' to read, compile, optimize, and save a program from/to the filesystem.
   67 -- Input and output files are provided by 'cOptsSource' and 'cOptsOut'.
   68 compile :: CompilerOptions -> IO (Either BFP.ParseError CompilationSummary)
   69 compile opts@CompilerOptions {..} = do
   70   when cOptsVerbose $ do
   71     putStrLn "Compiler options:"
   72     print opts
   73   compileResult <- inMemoryCompile opts <$> TIO.readFile cOptsSource
   74   either
   75     (return . Left)
   76     (\p -> save p >> (return . Right . snd) p)
   77     compileResult
   78   where
   79     outPath = fromMaybe (cOptsSource -<.> "bfc") cOptsOut
   80     save (program, _) = saveCompilerOutput program outPath
   82 -- | Apply optimizations to the 'Unoptimized' program turning. The optimizations that
   83 -- will be available are the ones specified by the 'CompilerOptions' given.
   84 optimize :: CompilerOptions -> Program Unoptimized -> Program Optimized
   85 optimize CompilerOptions {..} p = foldl (flip ($)) base optimizations
   86   where
   87     base = toIR p
   88     opt condition f =
   89       if condition
   90         then f
   91         else id
   92     optimizations =
   93       [ opt cOptsClearLoopOptimization clearOpt
   94       , opt cOptsMulOptimization mulOpt
   95       , opt cOptsScanOptimization scanOpt
   96       , opt cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization offsetInstructionOpt
   97       , opt cOptsFusionOptimization fusionOpt
   98       ]
  100 -- | Given a parsed program, turn it into an optimized one, but with the null optimization.
  101 -- Effectively this is only a type change.
  102 toIR :: Program Unoptimized -> Program Optimized
  103 toIR = coerce
  105 -- * Optimization
  106 -- | Helper type to apply the Fuse optimization using a 'Monoid'.
  107 newtype FusedProgram = Fused
  108   { unfused :: Program Optimized
  109   } deriving (Show)
  111 -- | This 'Semigroup' for 'FusedProgram' does all the fusion optimization work.
  112 -- When two contiguous optimizations can be fused into one, '<>' will reduce the
  113 -- size of the list in the 'FusedProgram'.
  114 --
  115 -- Examples of fusable operations:
  116 --
  117 --    - (Inc a offset) (Inc b offset) -> (Inc (a+b) offset)
  118 --    - (Move 3 offset) (Move (-3) offset) -> NoOp
  119 --    - (Clear offset) (Clear offset) -> Clear offset
  120 --    - (Scan Up offset) (Scan _ offset') -> Scan Up offset
  121 instance Semigroup FusedProgram where
  122   Fused (Program p1) <> Fused (Program p2) = Fused $ Program $ fuse p1 p2
  123     where
  124       fuse :: [Op] -> [Op] -> [Op]
  125       fuse [] ops           = ops
  126       fuse ops []           = ops
  127       fuse [op1] (op2:more) = join op1 op2 ++ more
  128       fuse (op1:more) ops2  = op1 : fuse more ops2
  129       join :: Op -> Op -> [Op]
  130       join (Inc a n) (Inc b m)
  131         | n == m = ifNotZero (flip Inc n) $ a + b
  132       join (Move a) (Move b) = ifNotZero Move $ a + b
  133       join (In a n) (In b m)
  134         | n == m = ifNotZero (flip In n) $ a + b
  135       join (Out a n) (Out b m)
  136         | n == m = ifNotZero (flip Out n) $ a + b
  137       join (Clear n) (Clear m)
  138         | n == m = [Clear n]
  139       -- once a scan is found, another one won't move the pointer
  140       join (Scan Up o1) (Scan _ o2)
  141         | o1 == o2 = [Scan Up o1]
  142       join (Scan Down o1) (Scan _ o2)
  143         | o1 == o2 = [Scan Down o1]
  144       join a b = [a, b]
  145       ifNotZero f n = [f n | n /= 0]
  147 -- | Use the 'Semigroup' instance and an empty program as 'mempty'.
  148 instance Monoid FusedProgram where
  149   mempty = Fused mempty
  150   mappend = (<>)
  152 -- | Apply the fusion optimization using the 'FusedProgram' 'Monoid' instance.
  153 --
  154 -- The fusion optimization consist of turning multiple instructions into one. For example
  155 -- if the original Brainfuck code contains '++++', this would be parsed as
  156 --
  157 -- @
  158 --'Program' ['Inc' 1 0, 'Inc' 1 0, 'Inc' 1 0, 'Inc' 1 0]
  159 -- @
  160 --
  161 -- but it would be fused to a single IR instruction: @Inc 4 0@.
  162 --
  163 -- >>> fusionOpt $ Program [Inc 1 0, Inc 1 0, Inc 1 0, Inc 1 0]
  164 -- [Inc 4 0]
  165 --
  166 -- Similarly, other instructions,
  167 -- like 'Move', 'In', 'Out', 'Clear' and 'Scan' can be fused as long as the offset at which they
  168 -- must be applied is the same.
  169 --
  170 -- Non fusable operation remain unchanged:
  171 --
  172 -- >>> fusionOpt $ Program [Inc 1 0, Inc 1 1]
  173 -- [Inc 1 0,Inc 1 1]
  174 fusionOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
  175 fusionOpt = unfused . foldMap (Fused . Program . optimizeIn) . instructions
  176   where
  177     optimizeIn (Loop as) = [Loop inner | not (null inner)]
  178       where
  179         inner = instructions $ fusionOpt $ Program as
  180     optimizeIn other = [other]
  182 -- | Helper function used to implement optimizations
  183 -- Iterate over all 'Program' instructions searching for 'Loop's. For each 'Loop'
  184 -- apply 'f'. If 'f' returns a list of new operations, replace the original loop with
  185 -- the new instructions. If 'f' returns 'Nothing', process recursively the loop instructions.
  186 liftLoop :: ([Op] -> Maybe [Op]) -> Program o -> Program o
  187 liftLoop f = Program . (>>= g) . instructions
  188   where
  189     g :: Op -> [Op]
  190     g (Loop ops) =
  191       fromMaybe ((: []) . Loop . instructions . liftLoop f $ Program ops) $
  192       f ops
  193     g other = [other]
  195 -- | Basic optimization that turns the loop @[-]@ into a single instruction 'Clear'.
  196 -- Useful because clearing a memory position is a pretty common operation in Brainfuck and
  197 -- very expensive if treated as a loop.
  198 --
  199 -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  200 -- >>> Right (res, _) = inMemoryCompile defaultCompilerOptions "[-]"
  201 -- >>> res
  202 -- [Clear 0]
  203 clearOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
  204 clearOpt = liftLoop onLoops
  205   where
  206     onLoops :: [Op] -> Maybe [Op]
  207     onLoops [Inc (-1) 0] = Just [Clear 0]
  208     onLoops _            = Nothing
  210 -- | Copy and multiply optimization. A very common usage of loops is to copy the value of a memory
  211 -- position to a different: @[->>+<<]@ this will move the contents of the current memory position
  212 -- to places to the right, also clearing the original position to zero. If we change the number of @+@
  213 -- operations we get multiplication, if we have several groups of @++..@ operations we get multiple copies.
  214 -- In the general case, for example:
  215 --
  216 -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
  217 -- >>> Right (res, _) = inMemoryCompile defaultCompilerOptions "[->+>++>++++<<<]"
  218 -- >>> res
  219 -- [Mul 1 0 1,Mul 2 0 2,Mul 4 0 3,Clear 0]
  220 --
  221 -- The original Brainfuck copies the current position one place to the right, doubles
  222 -- the current position two places to the right, and quadruples the current position three places to the right;
  223 -- finally zeroing the current position. With the mul optimization in this function, all that loop would be
  224 -- replaced by 4 instructions.
  225 mulOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
  226 mulOpt = liftLoop onLoops
  227   where
  228     onLoops :: [Op] -> Maybe [Op]
  229     onLoops ops = makeOp <$> eitherToMaybe (Parsec.parse mulP "" ops)
  230       where
  231         makeOp :: [(MulFactor, MemOffset)] -> [Op]
  232         makeOp = (++ [Clear 0]) . snd . foldl it (0, [])
  233           where
  234             it (totalOff, res) (fact, off) =
  235               (totalOff + off, res ++ [Mul fact 0 (off + totalOff)]) -- todo very inefficient  foldr
  237 -- | Implement the scan optimization. Another common operation in Brainfuck is to search for the first zero
  238 -- in the neighboring memory, either to the right or to the left @[>]@ or @[<]@. These loops can be replaced
  239 -- for a more optimal search, represented as a single @'Scan' 'Up'@ or @'Scan' 'Down'@ instruction.
  240 --
  241 -- >>> scanOpt $ Program [Loop [Move 1]]
  242 -- [Scan Up 0]
  243 scanOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
  244 scanOpt = liftLoop onLoops
  245   where
  246     onLoops :: [Op] -> Maybe [Op]
  247     onLoops [Move 1]    = Just [Scan Up 0]
  248     onLoops [Move (-1)] = Just [Scan Down 0]
  249     onLoops _           = Nothing
  251 -- | Helper datastructure to implement a stateful transformation in 'offsetInstructionOpt'.
  252 data OffsetState = OffSt
  253   { stOptimized :: [Op] -- ^ The optimized program so far
  254   , stBatch     :: [Op] -- ^ The current batch of instructions being optimized (between loops)
  255   , stOffset    :: MemOffset -- ^ The current offset since the last loop
  256   } deriving (Show)
  258 -- | Start state for 'offsetInstructionOpt'.
  259 emptyState :: OffsetState
  260 emptyState = OffSt [] [] 0
  262 -- | Implement the offset instruction optimization. This is probably the most complex
  263 -- optimization implemented in the library.
  264 --
  265 -- In streams of instructions between loops, there is no need to keep updating the current position
  266 -- if we can keep track of where the different operations should be applied. This is a trade-off
  267 -- of time (not updating the pointer) by space (keeping track of the offset in every operation).
  268 -- For example the following unoptimized code
  269 --
  270 --
  271 -- >>> offsetInstructionOpt  $ Program [Loop [], Move 1, Inc 1 0, Move 2, Clear 0, Mul 2 0 1, Loop []]
  272 -- [Loop [],Inc 1 1,Clear 3,Mul 2 3 1,Move 3,Loop []]
  273 --
  274 -- And the optimization eliminated one 'Move' instruction. In general, for larger programs the gain
  275 -- will be more noticeable.
  276 --
  277 -- An important detail to take into account is that 'Scan' operations break the stream of operations
  278 -- that can be optimized together, and turn the accumulated offset back to zero:
  279 --
  280 -- >>> offsetInstructionOpt  $ Program [Loop [], Move 1, Inc 1 0, Scan Up 0, Inc 0 2, Loop []]
  281 -- [Loop [],Inc 1 1,Scan Up 1,Inc 0 2,Loop []]
  282 offsetInstructionOpt :: Program Optimized -> Program Optimized
  283 offsetInstructionOpt -- We implement this as a stateful computation for code clarity
  284  =
  285   Program .
  286   stOptimized .
  287   (`execState` emptyState) .
  288   (*> finishLastBatch) . traverse_ processOp . instructions
  289   where
  290     processOp :: Op -> State OffsetState ()
  291     processOp (Loop l) = do
  292       let newLoop = Loop (instructions $ offsetInstructionOpt (Program l))
  293       finishBatch
  294       modify $ \s@OffSt {..} -> s {stOptimized = newLoop : stOptimized}
  295     processOp (Move n) = get >>= \s -> put s {stOffset = stOffset s + n}
  296     processOp (Inc n off) = add off (Inc n)
  297     processOp (In n off) = add off (In n)
  298     processOp (Out n off) = add off (Out n)
  299     processOp (Clear off) = add off Clear
  300     processOp (Mul factor from to) = add from (\o -> Mul factor o to)
  301     processOp (Scan d off) = do
  302       OffSt {..} <- get
  303       put
  304         OffSt
  305           { stOffset = 0
  306           , stOptimized = stOptimized
  307           , stBatch = Scan d (off + stOffset) : stBatch
  308           }
  309     add :: MemOffset -> (MemOffset -> Op) -> State OffsetState ()
  310     add off op =
  311       get >>= \s@OffSt {..} -> put s {stBatch = op (off + stOffset) : stBatch}
  312     finishBatch :: State OffsetState ()
  313     finishBatch = do
  314       s@OffSt {..} <- get
  315       let batch =
  316             if stOffset /= 0
  317               then Move stOffset : stBatch
  318               else stBatch
  319       put s {stBatch = [], stOffset = 0, stOptimized = batch ++ stOptimized}
  320     finishLastBatch :: State OffsetState ()
  321     finishLastBatch = do
  322       finishBatch
  323       modify $ \s@OffSt {..} -> s {stOptimized = reverse stOptimized}
  325 -- * Loading Compiled Code
  326 -- | Load a compiled program from 'saveCompilerOutput' output.
  327 load :: ByteString -> Program Optimized
  328 load = B.decode
  330 -- | Load a compiled program saved with 'saveCompilerOutput'.
  331 loadFile :: FilePath -> IO (Program Optimized)
  332 loadFile = B.decodeFile
  334 -- * Compiler Flags
  335 -- | Command line flags to the Brainfuck compiler
  336 data CompilerOptions = CompilerOptions
  337   { cOptsOut                            :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Where to put the compiled output, if 'Nothing' use the input basename with bfc extension
  338   , cOptsFusionOptimization             :: Bool -- ^ Enable fusion optimization
  339   , cOptsClearLoopOptimization          :: Bool -- ^ Enable clear loop optimization
  340   , cOptsMulOptimization                :: Bool -- ^ Enable mul loop optimization
  341   , cOptsScanOptimization               :: Bool -- ^ Enable scan loop optimization
  342   , cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization :: Bool -- ^ Enable offset instructions optimization
  343   , cOptsVerbose                        :: Bool -- ^ Output more debugging information
  344   , cOptsSource                         :: FilePath -- ^ Input source to the compiler, this should be Brainfuck code
  345   } deriving (Show)
  347 optionsP :: Parser CompilerOptions
  348 optionsP =
  349   (\output disableAll fusion clear mul scan offset verbose source ->
  350      CompilerOptions
  351        { cOptsOut = output
  352        , cOptsFusionOptimization = not disableAll || fusion
  353        , cOptsClearLoopOptimization = not disableAll || clear
  354        , cOptsMulOptimization = not disableAll || mul
  355        , cOptsScanOptimization = not disableAll || scan
  356        , cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization = not disableAll || offset
  357        , cOptsVerbose = verbose
  358        , cOptsSource = source
  359        }) <$>
  360   optional
  361     (option
  362        str
  363        (long "output" <> short 'o' <> metavar "OUT" <>
  364         help "Compiled output path")) <*>
  365   switch
  366     (long "disable-all-optimizations" <> short 'd' <>
  367      help "Disable all optimizations") <*>
  368   switch
  369     (long "fusion" <>
  370      help
  371        "Reenable fusion optimization (turn multiple + or > into a single operation)") <*>
  372   switch
  373     (long "clear" <>
  374      help "Reenable clear loop optimization (turn [-] into a single operation)") <*>
  375   switch
  376     (long "mul" <>
  377      help
  378        "Reenable mul loop optimization (turn [->++>+++<<] into [Mul(1, 2) Mul(2,3)] Clear operations)") <*>
  379   switch
  380     (long "scan" <>
  381      help "Reenable scan loop optimization (turn [>] into ScanR operation)") <*>
  382   switch
  383     (long "offset" <>
  384      help
  385        "Reenable offset instructions optimization (turn >>+>->> into Inc 1 2, Inc (-1) 1, Move 1, Move 1, Move 1, Move 1, Move 1, operation)") <*>
  386   switch
  387     (long "verbose" <> short 'v' <> help "Output more debugging information") <*>
  388   argument str (metavar "SRC" <> help "Input source code file")
  390 options :: ParserInfo CompilerOptions
  391 options =
  392   info
  393     (optionsP <**> helper)
  394     (fullDesc <> progDesc "Compile Brainfuck code in SRC file" <>
  395      header "An optimizing Brainfuck compiler and evaluator")
  397 -- | Default compiler options: all optimizations, not verbose, no input or output files.
  398 defaultCompilerOptions :: CompilerOptions
  399 defaultCompilerOptions =
  400   CompilerOptions
  401     { cOptsOut = Nothing
  402     , cOptsFusionOptimization = True
  403     , cOptsClearLoopOptimization = True
  404     , cOptsMulOptimization = True
  405     , cOptsScanOptimization = True
  406     , cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization = True
  407     , cOptsVerbose = False
  408     , cOptsSource = ""
  409     }
  411 -- | Compiler options: all optimizations off.
  412 noOptimizationCompilerOptions :: CompilerOptions
  413 noOptimizationCompilerOptions =
  414   CompilerOptions
  415     { cOptsOut = Nothing
  416     , cOptsFusionOptimization = False
  417     , cOptsClearLoopOptimization = False
  418     , cOptsMulOptimization = False
  419     , cOptsScanOptimization = False
  420     , cOptsOffsetInstructionsOptimization = False
  421     , cOptsVerbose = False
  422     , cOptsSource = ""
  423     }
  425 -- | Parse a list of command line arguments
  426 parsePure :: [String] -> ParserResult CompilerOptions
  427 parsePure = execParserPure defaultPrefs options
  429 -- | Parse a list of command line arguments printing errors to the stderr
  430 unsafeParse :: [String] -> IO CompilerOptions
  431 unsafeParse = handleParseResult . parsePure
  433 -- | Parse command line arguments printing errors to the stderr
  434 parse :: IO CompilerOptions
  435 parse = getArgs >>= unsafeParse
  437 ----------------------- implementation details ----------------------
  438 -- * Implementation Detail: Parsing Lists of Instructions
  439 -- | This parser is used to implement the mul optimization. See 'mulOpt'.
  440 type ProgramParser a = Parsec.ParsecT [Op] () Identity a
  442 -- | Parse successfully if the token satisfies the predicate.
  443 satisfy' :: Show t => (t -> Bool) -> Parsec.ParsecT [t] () Identity t
  444 satisfy' predicate = Parsec.token showTok posFromTok testTok
  445   where
  446     showTok t = show t
  447     posFromTok _ = initialPos ""
  448     testTok t =
  449       if predicate t
  450         then Just t
  451         else Nothing
  453 -- | Parse movement to the right (\>), returning the offset value.
  454 --
  455 -- >>> Parsec.parse mrightP "" [Move 3]
  456 -- Right 3
  457 --
  458 -- >>> Data.Either.isLeft $ Parsec.parse mrightP "" [Move (-1)]
  459 -- True
  460 mrightP :: ProgramParser MemOffset
  461 mrightP =
  462   satisfy' isRight <&> \case
  463     Move n -> n
  464     _ -> undefined
  466 -- | Parsemovement to the left (\<), returning the offset value.
  467 --
  468 -- >>> Parsec.parse mleftP "" [Move (-3)]
  469 -- Right 3
  470 --
  471 -- >>> Data.Either.isLeft $ Parsec.parse mleftP "" [Move 1]
  472 -- True
  473 mleftP :: ProgramParser MemOffset
  474 mleftP =
  475   satisfy' isLeft <&> \case
  476     Move n -> (negate n)
  477     _ -> undefined
  479 -- | Parse increment, returning total increment.
  480 --
  481 -- >>> Parsec.parse plusP "" [Inc 3 0]
  482 -- Right 3
  483 --
  484 -- >>> Data.Either.isLeft $ Parsec.parse plusP "" [Inc (-2) 0]
  485 -- True
  486 plusP :: ProgramParser Int
  487 plusP =
  488   satisfy' isPlus <&> \case
  489     Inc n 0 -> n
  490     _ -> undefined
  492 -- | Parse decrement, returning total decrement.
  493 --
  494 -- >>> Parsec.parse minusP "" [Inc (-3) 0]
  495 -- Right 3
  496 --
  497 -- >>> Data.Either.isLeft $ Parsec.parse minusP "" [Inc 2 0]
  498 -- True
  499 minusP :: ProgramParser Int
  500 minusP =
  501   satisfy' isMinus <&> \case
  502     Inc n 0 -> (negate n)
  503     _ -> undefined
  505 -- | Sum the result of a parser applied repeatedly
  506 --
  507 -- >>> Parsec.parse (summedP plusP) "" [Inc 3 0, Inc 1 0, Inc (-4) 0]
  508 -- Right 4
  509 summedP :: Num n => ProgramParser n -> ProgramParser n
  510 summedP = fmap sum . Parsec.many1
  512 -- | Full multiple copy/multiply operation parser. Returns the set of factors and relative, incremental offsets.
  513 --
  514 -- >>> Parsec.parse mulP "" [Inc (-1) 0, Move 1, Inc 2 0, Move 3, Inc 1 0, Move (-4)]
  515 -- Right [(2,1),(1,3)]
  516 mulP :: ProgramParser [(MulFactor, MemOffset)]
  517 mulP = do
  518   _ <- minusP
  519   copies <- Parsec.many1 shiftFactorP
  520   let totalShift = sum $ map fst copies
  521   back <- summedP mleftP
  522   Parsec.eof
  523   if back == coerce totalShift
  524     then return (fmap swap copies)
  525     else Parsec.unexpected "number of left returns to close the loop"
  526   where
  527     shiftFactorP = (,) <$> summedP mrightP <*> fmap MulFactor (summedP plusP)
  529 -- | Is the instruction a right movement?
  530 isRight :: Op -> Bool
  531 isRight (Move n)
  532   | n > 0 = True
  533 isRight _ = False
  535 -- | Is the instruction a left movement?
  536 isLeft :: Op -> Bool
  537 isLeft (Move n)
  538   | n < 0 = True
  539 isLeft _ = False
  541 -- | Is the instruction an increment?
  542 isPlus :: Op -> Bool
  543 isPlus (Inc n 0)
  544   | n > 0 = True
  545 isPlus _ = False
  547 -- | Is the instruction a decrement?
  548 isMinus :: Op -> Bool
  549 isMinus (Inc n 0)
  550   | n < 0 = True
  551 isMinus _ = False